Exploring the World of Work: Professions in French


Learning a new language opens up many opportunities to understand different cultures, and knowing how to talk about professions is a vital part of this journey. Whether you’re visiting a French-speaking country, expanding your vocabulary, or enhancing your career-related conversations, understanding job titles in French (les professions) can be incredibly helpful.

In this article, we’ll explore the world of work and introduce you to common professions in French, their translations, and useful phrases related to careers.

Understanding Professions in French

In French, job titles vary depending on gender. For many professions, the masculine form is the base word, while the feminine form is created by adding an “-e” or making other minor changes. For example:

  • Teacher: Un professeur (masculine) / Une professeure (feminine)
  • Doctor: Un médecin (masculine) / Une médecin (feminine)

Let’s explore some common professions in French and their English equivalents.

Common Professions in French and English

French (Masculine/Feminine)English
Un enseignant / Une enseignanteTeacher
Un avocat / Une avocateLawyer
Un médecinDoctor
Un infirmier / Une infirmièreNurse
Un ingénieurEngineer
Un architecte / Une architecteArchitect
Un policier / Une policièrePolice Officer
Un pompierFirefighter
Un serveur / Une serveuseWaiter / Waitress
Un journaliste / Une journalisteJournalist
Un artiste / Une artisteArtist
Un acteur / Une actriceActor / Actress
Un chefChef
Un électricien / Une électricienneElectrician
Un coiffeur / Une coiffeuseHairdresser

Professional Titles and Roles

Some professions have the same form regardless of gender. These typically include titles in specialized fields. Here are a few examples:

  1. Dentist: Dentiste
  2. Pharmacist: Pharmacien / Pharmacienne
  3. Pilot: Pilote
  4. Writer: Écrivain / Écrivaine
  5. Veterinarian: Vétérinaire

Talking About Work in French

Here are some useful phrases and sentences to discuss jobs and careers in French:

  1. What is your profession?
    • Quelle est votre profession?
    • Tu fais quoi dans la vie? (Informal)
  2. I am a teacher.
    • Je suis enseignant(e).
  3. Where do you work?
    • Où travaillez-vous?
    • Tu travailles où? (Informal)
  4. I work in a hospital.
    • Je travaille dans un hôpital.
  5. She is an engineer.
    • Elle est ingénieure.
  6. He works as a lawyer.
    • Il travaille comme avocat.

Professions by Industry

To better understand the world of work in French, let’s group professions by industry.

Healthcare (Santé)

  • Doctor: Médecin
  • Nurse: Infirmier / Infirmière
  • Pharmacist: Pharmacien / Pharmacienne

Education (Éducation)

  • Teacher: Enseignant / Enseignante
  • Professor: Professeur
  • School Principal: Directeur / Directrice

Law and Public Services (Droit et Services Publics)

  • Lawyer: Avocat / Avocate
  • Judge: Juge
  • Police Officer: Policier / Policière
  • Firefighter: Pompier

Hospitality (Hôtellerie et Restauration)

  • Chef: Chef
  • Waiter / Waitress: Serveur / Serveuse
  • Hotel Manager: Directeur d’hôtel / Directrice d’hôtel

Tips for Learning Professions in French

  1. Practice Speaking: Use professions in simple sentences to practice speaking. For example, Je suis avocat (I am a lawyer).
  2. Flashcards: Create flashcards with job titles in French and English to enhance memory.
  3. Watch French Media: Watch French movies or news to hear these terms in context.
  4. Role-Playing: Engage in role-playing conversations where you talk about jobs and workplaces.


Learning about professions in French expands your vocabulary and helps you engage in everyday conversations. From healthcare to education, knowing how to talk about different jobs will make you more confident when speaking French. So, whether you’re a student, traveler, or language enthusiast, start practicing these terms today and explore the diverse world of work in French!

Bonne chance! (Good luck!)

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